PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Right breast implant malposition.
POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Right breast implant malposition.
1. Adjustment, right breast implant.
2. Right crescent mastopexy.
INDICATION FOR OPERATION: This (XX)-year-old Hispanic female is status post bilateral breast augmentation. She has had lateral displacement of her right breast implant and is here for adjustment of that breast implant pocket.
FINDINGS AND DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: The patient’s right breast was marked with her in a sitting position in the holding area. She was then brought to the operating room and placed on the OR table in supine position. General anesthesia was induced, and the entire anterior chest wall was prepped and draped in an aseptic fashion.
An incision was made in the right breast inframammary crease utilizing the old operative scar. Electrocautery dissection was carried down to the pocket. The patient’s saline implant was removed and set aside to be replaced later. A capsulorrhaphy was now performed on the lateral aspect of the breast pocket using 2-0 Ethibond sutures. Initially, electrocautery was used to mark the lateralmost aspect of the right breast pocket. Then 2-0 Ethibond sutures were used to close in that lateral aspect of the pocket using interrupted suture technique. The implant was then replaced, and the patient was placed in a sitting position and was found to have much improvement in the positioning of her implant. A layered closure was performed here using 3-0 Vicryl in the deep tissue layer, 4-0 Vicryl in the deep dermal layer and 5-0 PDS in subcuticular dermal layer.
Attention was then turned to right nipple-areolar complex. A right crescent mastopexy was performed by excising a small portion of right breast skin as marked. Undermining was performed with electrocautery, and a layered closure was performed here using 4-0 Vicryl on the deep dermal layer and 5-0 PDS in the subcuticular dermal layer. Benzoin and Steri-Strips were applied at this point to both wounds, and the patient was awoken from anesthesia and transferred to the PACU in stable condition. There were no complications.